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Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks

How to do Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks?

Arch rocks, or Superman rocks, are a dynamic bodyweight exercise that targets the posterior chain, particularly the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and shoulders. In this exercise, the athlete assumes the Superman or “arch” position (lying face down with arms and legs extended) and rocks back and forth while maintaining tension in the posterior muscles. This exercise helps develop strength, endurance, and stability in the back and glutes, while also improving body control and balance.

Steps to Perform a Proper Arch Rock (Superman Rock):

1. Set Up in the Superman Position:

• Lie face down on a mat or flat surface with your arms extended straight overhead and your legs fully extended behind you. Your feet should be close together, and your arms should be shoulder-width apart.

• Keep your head in a neutral position, looking down at the floor, so your neck stays aligned with your spine.

2. Engage Your Posterior Chain:

• Engage your core, glutes, and lower back by lifting your arms, chest, and legs off the ground. Your body should form a slight arch, with only your torso (midsection) in contact with the ground.

• Squeeze your glutes, hamstrings, and shoulders to maintain the arch shape throughout the movement.

3. Rock Back and Forth:

• Initiate the rocking motion by gently pushing your chest and arms upward, shifting your weight slightly toward your chest and shoulders, followed by rocking back toward your thighs and legs.

• The movement should be smooth and controlled, with your body rocking back and forth like a seesaw, maintaining the arch shape the entire time.

• Focus on using your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings to control the motion, without losing tension in your core or shoulders.

4. Continue Rocking:

• Repeat the rocking motion for the desired number of repetitions or duration. The goal is to keep the tension in your posterior muscles throughout the exercise, with minimal movement in the hips.

Benefits of Arch Rocks (Superman Rocks)

• Strengthens the Posterior Chain: Arch rocks target the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and shoulders, helping to build strength and endurance in the muscles that support proper posture and spinal stability.

• Improves Lower Back and Core Stability: The exercise engages the lower back and core muscles, which are essential for stabilizing the spine and improving overall core strength.

• Enhances Body Control and Coordination: By maintaining balance and rhythm during the rocking motion, arch rocks improve body control, coordination, and proprioception.

• Boosts Athletic Performance: The posterior chain plays a crucial role in many athletic movements, including running, jumping, and lifting. Strengthening these muscles can enhance athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury.

• No Equipment Needed: Arch rocks are a bodyweight exercise that requires no equipment, making them accessible for home workouts or when you’re on the go.

• Low Impact: This exercise is gentle on the joints, making it a suitable option for individuals recovering from injury or looking for a low-impact way to strengthen their back and glutes.

• Improves Posture: Strengthening the muscles of the posterior chain helps counteract the effects of sitting for long periods and can improve posture by supporting better spinal alignment.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

• Arching the Lower Back Excessively: Avoid over-arching your lower back, which can lead to strain or injury. Focus on engaging your glutes and back muscles to maintain the proper arch position without hyperextension.

• Using Momentum: Avoid using momentum to rock back and forth. The movement should be slow, controlled, and powered by your muscles rather than swinging or jerking.

• Letting the Chest or Legs Drop: Keep your chest and legs lifted throughout the movement. Allowing them to drop reduces muscle engagement and effectiveness.

• Neck Strain: Keep your head in a neutral position, looking down at the floor. Avoid lifting your head too high, which can cause strain in your neck.

Tips for the proper execution of Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks

  • Maintain a Strong Arch: Focus on keeping your chest and legs lifted off the ground throughout the movement. Your body should remain in a solid arch shape, with tension in your back, glutes, and shoulders.

  • Engage Your Core: Although this exercise primarily targets the posterior chain, keeping your core engaged will help stabilize your body and maintain balance during the rocking motion.

  • Controlled Movement: Avoid jerking or using momentum. The rocking should be slow and controlled, driven by muscle engagement rather than swinging

  • Breathing: Breathe steadily throughout the movement. Exhale as you rock forward and inhale as you rock backward. This will help you maintain control and endurance.

Muscles worked when doing Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks

Primary Muscles:

•Lower Back: Erector spinae muscles are heavily engaged throughout the movement to maintain the arch position and stabilize the spine.

•Glutes: The gluteus maximus and medius are activated to lift the legs and help control the rocking motion.

•Hamstrings: Work in conjunction with the glutes to keep the legs elevated and support the back extension.

Secondary Muscles:

•Shoulders: The deltoids and upper back muscles, including the trapezius and rhomboids, help lift and stabilize the arms during the rocking motion.

•Core: The abdominals and obliques help stabilize the torso and prevent excessive movement during the exercise.

•Hip Flexors: Assist in maintaining leg elevation and stability.

•Quadriceps: Engage to stabilize the legs and assist with the rocking motion.

Primary Muscle(s):

Secondary Muscle(s):


Rear delt



Equipment needed for Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks

Large And Thick Exercise Mat

Adjust the difficulty of Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks

How to make Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks harder?

To make Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks harder:

  • Increase the Rocking Range: Amplify the rocking motion by extending your chest and legs further off the ground, increasing the range of motion and tension in your muscles.

  • Slow Down the Movement: Perform the rocks more slowly, especially when rocking forward, to increase time under tension and challenge your muscles more intensely.

  • Increase Repetitions or Duration: Perform more repetitions or increase the duration of the exercise to further challenge your endurance and muscle engagement.

How to make Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks easier?

To make Superman Rocks / Arch Rocks easier:

  • Start with Superman Holds: If you’re new to the exercise, start by holding the static Superman position (without the rocking) for a few seconds. This helps build strength and stability in the posterior chain.

  • Perform Smaller Rocks: Instead of rocking back and forth fully, perform smaller, controlled rocks with less movement to build strength gradually.

  • Reduce the Range of Motion: Lift your arms and legs only slightly off the ground and keep the rocking motion small to reduce the intensity.